I joined my first Hive this year...
Its a modern Quilt Bee...
called The Bee Hive

Each month we get to choose from assorted blocks...
This is the Wanta Fanta Block....this block was chosen for May and June
by two different hive members....amazing how different they both look!
Lime, Navy and Aqua!
Reds and Text!
I am now officially caught up! Yay!
I have never joined a Hive, but I've been in block swaps of various types and always liked the end result. These two sure do look different!
ReplyDeletePS Your Koi is a dead ringer for my daughter's Izzie. Is Koi as intelligent as Izzie? It is actually rather scary how very intelligent she is...Dayna has to deadbolt a door if she wants to keep her out of a room as she has figured out how to open it, jumps at the knob, grabbing it with her paws, or on another door, a French door, balances on the narrow wood strips and pulls on the knob that way...plays fetch, is a whiz at the Fish app game...I could go on... I've heard Calico cats are a handful but very intelligent.